Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Kitchen Table - Who Invented It?

Many diminutive things in our daily life come to us unnoticed and unappreciated such as wheels, erasers, scissors and things that make our lives easier and more comfortable. Have you ever view "How would my life be without a table?" Things aren't just there for any reason. Person must've view about why it should be there. Do you think kitchen's have tables just because?

But who invented the kitchen table? Although there have been no solid proofs that the old Egyptians started using the kitchen tables first or at least invented it, many believe that the kitchen tables purpose was to keep all organized in the kitchen and not just for dining purposes. While the middle ages, the kitchen table was said to have been located in the kitchen for the servants to dine on.

Granite Dining Tables

Not until October 6, 1896 did the kitchen table get a patent. One man, in the name of Henry A. Jackson, an African originator decided it was time to build the kitchen and patent his invention. At that time, kitchen counters or islands weren't celebrated yet. The kitchen table served its purpose for establishment food and dining.

The Kitchen Table - Who Invented It?

Like all that dates back to old history, kitchen tables too have evolved and modified since then. The kitchen table has taken changes in shapes, sizes, color, material and design.

It's hard to pin point as to who invented the table exactly. But for whoever he or she or they were, we should be grateful that we a have something to host every member of the house to bond over with for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The Kitchen Table - Who Invented It?